We are accepting guest posts for our website

Are you a business or technology professional interested in showcasing your expertise to a wider audience? We are now accepting guest posts from external authors.
We publish original content that falls into one of the categories we cover:

Information technology


Digital transformation

Business advice

Workforce consulting

Career advice

Read further to learn about the expectations Maxima Consulting has from its guest writers and how to write for us and be published.
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For a company, accepting guest posts on its own site is part of a wider digital marketing strategy. By publishing external authors, we unlock many benefits of guest blogging:


More guest posts lead to more traffic from social media links and search engines, which can lead to improving domain authority;


Guest authors bring a wealth of experience, and their expert insights translate to high-quality content, strengthening our brand image.

But what’s in it for you? By becoming a contributing writer at Maxima Consulting’s blog, you will:

Reach new audiences

Showcase your ideas and skills to potential employers

Enhance your reputation among experts in the same niche

Drive referral traffic to your own blog with quality backlinks

How to submit your article?

If you’re interested in publishing a guest article on our website, please email us at maxima-marketing@maximaconsulting.com. Tell us about your article idea, and we will get back to you within 48 hours to work out the details together.

If you have already written an article that you want to publish on our blog, please attach it in an editable format (preferably .docx) or include a link to a Google Docs file. Proposed guest posts should be at least 600 words long and clearly divided into headlines and paragraphs.

We will also need your full name, job title, a couple of sentences about yourself, and a portrait photo we can include in your author bio. If you have already published articles, please send us at least one example of your previous work, with a link to a website that hosts your blog post.

After receiving your article, we will confirm by email that we received it, forward your text to our copywriter for proofreading, and get back to you with feedback and suggestions. When your blog post is revised and ready for publishing, we will once again message you to make sure that you consent to post the article on our website and then schedule its publication.

Guest blogging process overview


You send us a pitch with an idea for a blog post that will be interesting to our audience and a short bio so we can learn about your previous experience.


We help you shape this idea into an article by providing you with advice, actionable feedback, relevant resources and keyword research you can use to maximize your blog post’s visibility in search engines.


You write an article that is at least 600 words long and organized into headlines and paragraphs (in an editable format).


Our copywriter thoroughly reads your blog post and gets back to you with possible suggestions and revisions.


You implement the feedback and send the revised article back to us, along with your portrait photo, an author bio, your social media accounts you want us to mention, and other relevant links that will accompany your piece.


We ensure you’re happy to be published on our website and propose a publication date.


After confirming your consent, we publish your article on our company’s blog!

Please note that we accept only original articles that were not published elsewhere and are relevant to our areas of expertise.

Guidelines for companies

We are open to link-building opportunities and happy to exchange blog posts with other organizations and relevant sites.

If your company is not our direct competition, we’re open to collaborating, especially if you’re up for publishing a guest article from us on your website as well. Send us an email at maxima-marketing@maximaconsulting.com, and our marketing manager will contact you within 48 hours to discuss all the necessary details.

How should you approach writing your guest post?

By opening submissions for guest blogging, we aim to provide our audience with valuable knowledge, unique perspectives, and actionable insights. 

A successful guest blogger doesn’t have to be an experienced writer to be published on our website. What we expect are great content ideas that are relevant to our readers’ interests. We’d like to work with specialists who have enough professional background in the topics they cover to formulate their own conclusions and share personal insights.

In short, we look for guest posts written by subject matter experts that show thought leadership.

Some examples of blog content that would be a good fit for our website include:

  • In-depth explanations of complex concepts, issues, and solutions relevant to IT or engineering;
  • Comprehensive guides to innovative business models and ideas;
  • Expert commentaries on newly published research or data;
  • Experience-based insights from professionals working in IT, engineering, recruitment, or consulting;
  • Other guest posts that focus on the intersection of business and technology.

When writing guest posts, please don’t shy away from complex topics only because they require some previous knowledge to fully understand. Since our targeted audience already comprehends at least the basics of the topics we cover, we advise guest authors to skip all the basic stuff and focus on the interesting parts.

However, do not expect a banking executive or an account manager to know all the buzzwords IT guys use every day. Please avoid straight-up jargon and try to describe newly introduced concepts in a clear and simple way.

Maxima Consulting’s audience

Successful guest posts are not only well-written and insightful, but they are also relevant to the interests of readers. We advise new authors to read a couple of our existing posts and browse our social media accounts to get an idea of what’s attractive to their new audience - that is, people who read our blog posts.

Our blog’s audience usually falls into at least one of these groups:

  • Candidates looking for new job opportunities, especially in IT (e.g., software engineers, system architects, QA specialists) and engineering (e.g., electrical and environmental engineers, civil design engineers, site leads)
  • Managers at Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) who want to improve their businesses, implement new solutions, learn something new, or overcome a specific challenge.
  • Executives at large enterprises who want to ensure their projects are delivered on time and within budget.

We strongly prefer guest post submissions written with these groups in mind.

Tone of voice

We love reading blog posts that are accessible, informative, comprehensive, sincere, and supportive. While we value uniqueness, we’d like for our company blog to remain professional. This doesn’t mean you should be overly formal, though.

Unique content

For us, the goal of publishing guest posts is to show a variety of unique perspectives that arise from authors’ personal experiences and knowledge.

This is why we do not accept duplicate content, articles that only rephrase content that can be found elsewhere, and AI-generated articles. For the same reason, please do not submit your own content that was previously published elsewhere.

If you reuse paragraphs from other articles or generate a piece from a prompt, this will show up in automated plagiarism/AI detection, and your article will be rejected. This doesn’t mean we accuse you of plagiarising others’ work - we’re simply not interested in publishing articles that don’t say anything fresh.

Note that there is nothing wrong with using short quotes from other sources (as long as you use quotation marks and state the author or link the original source), but you should avoid citing very long passages. Instead, use your own words to describe the content of an article or a book you’re referencing.

Additional guest post guidelines

Here are some additional tips on how to make your blog post more engaging:

Write in the singular first person;
Make each paragraph 3 to 5 sentences long;
Use active voice;
Be confident and direct;
Divide the article into smaller, more manageable pieces, and create descriptive headlines for each piece;
Use bullet points, numbered lists, or tables if you think it will improve clarity;
Consult our marketing team to help you with some keyword research to improve the organic traffic (attract more readers).

Even though Maxima Consulting is originally from the US and we use American English in our articles, we ask our authors to stick to what they know best and use their preferred English grammar rules.

We are excited to open our blog for guest post opportunities and can’t wait for your submissions!