axoniq partnership

Implementation and management of AxonIQ enterprise solutions

Maxima Consulting is the official Axon Server cloud partner and Axon Framework expertise provider. We support companies in implementing and managing innovative solutions developed by AxonIQ to accelerate their digital transformation journeys with future-proof software and cloud infrastructure.

Empower your business with AxonIQ solutions effortlessly by partnering with Maxima Consulting

Build future-proof applications with Maxima Consulting’s software development and maintenance experts.

Leverage our consultants’ Axon stack expertise to implement the Axon Framework and optimize Axon Server.

Access the benefits of microservices and event-driven architecture regardless of your prior experience.

Transform your software development lifecycle to better support your business processes.

Enjoy a tailored implementation strategy based on your unique business requirements.

Why Axon stack?

To streamline the development of modern, highly scalable applications.

To equip your software engineers with building blocks for event-driven architectures.

To effortlessly set up flexible and reliable deployment environments.

For simplified access to reporting and infrastructure management.

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Build and optimize your business applications with AxonIQ and Maxima Consulting

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Axon Framework: Streamline the software development process

Axon Framework empowers developers by providing them with the building blocks needed to create innovative applications based on event-driven architecture (EDA), domain-driven design (DDD), event sourcing, and command query responsibility separation (CQRS).
The framework is characterized by differentiating between three message types: events, commands, and queries. These categories of components go beyond typical event-driven systems and equip developers with means to steadily evolve applications according to current business logic.
With the Axon Framework, software engineers can avoid unnecessary complexity by starting with a simpler monolith architecture and eventually transforming the application into microservices when needed. By initially making the event-driven system less complex, the framework enables development teams to focus on solving programming challenges and reaching business objectives.

Contact us today, and we can help you:

  • Train your in-house staff in Axon Framework.
  • Augment your existing team with senior developers experienced in Axon Framework.
  • Recruit an entire team of Axon Framework experts to jumpstart your project.
let's talk

Axon Server: Improve the scalability and reliability of your systems

Each of the framework’s components (commands, events, and queries) has its own specific purpose, which also carries particular expectations and unique routing characteristics. Axon Server is an out-of-the-box event store and message delivery system custom-built to coordinate communication between these three types of messages found in the Axon Framework. Once implemented, it requires zero configuration and is ready for deployment.
Fully compatible with the framework, this technology unlocks unparalleled scaling capabilities and optimizes the performance of Axon-based applications. Equipped with powerful data protection capabilities, Axon Server can also be set up to track all changes and act as a reliable source of truth.

Schedule a meeting, and we will help you:

  • Unlock the full power of Axon Framework by implementing Axon Server.
  • Best of both worlds - Axon Server is now available as part of Cloud Orbit! Optimize your cloud infrastructure by utilizing the Cloud Orbit platform to deploy, host, and manage Axon Server.
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explore our services

Maxima Consulting enables organizations to unlock all benefits of Axon solutions

Maxima Consulting supports AxonIQ business users with consultancy services, adoption strategies, developer training, and problem-solving skills, enabling clients to take full advantage of Axon software. With our consultants’ help, your organization will quickly take up the basics of event-driven design, embrace best practices, and streamline the software development process.

Axon stack adoption

Build a research-based Axon implementation strategy tailored to your unique business needs regardless of the company size and industry you’re in.

Axon Server as a service

Create a custom, optimized, and development-ready Axon Server environment so that your software development teams can focus on building applications.

Developer training

Leverage our Axon experts to provide your in-house software developers with the knowledge needed to use the Axon Framework effectively and efficiently.

Staff augmentation and recruitment

Bring our consultants on board to work alongside your in-house developers and facilitate Axon adoption or build an entire Axon-focused team from scratch.

Benefits of working with AxonIQ official partners

Maxima Consulting is thrilled to partner with AxonIQ to support companies in implementing, optimizing, and managing the AxonIQ stack.

AxonIQ stack constitutes a complete collection of enterprise-grade tools that companies across various industries can use to streamline the development of event-driven applications, improve the performance of their digital products and systems, and secure practical infrastructure insights to maximize added value.

The Maxima AxonIQ partnership uniquely aligns with the needs of organizations today. By coupling our Axon Framework expertise with our industry leading Cloud Orbit platform to manage and host Axon Server. Organizations gain access to a full suite of solutions from development, architecture, cloud infrastructure and more enabling a modern organizations to gain access to all the resources, tools and technologies needed for modern enterprise development.

Combine multiple services into one solution with Maxima Consulting

Axon stack provides organizations with numerous benefits across the application development lifecycle. Maxima Consulting supports companies in the successful implementation and integration of Axon Framework, Server, and Console solutions.

Contact us now and leverage our advisory, training, and staff augmentation capabilities, or integrate our entire Axon expertise into one service tailored to your organization’s unique needs.