Navigating time zones, culture, and team cohesion in offshore team development: A framework for CTOs

Over the past decades, offshoring has been on the rise. It seemed like everyone was hiring staff in a different country. Without a doubt, it was one of the most beneficial and efficient ways to create teams while decreasing operational expenses.
Nonetheless, it’s not without challenges. Cultural barriers, different time zones, and poor governance are just some of them. The initiation of this journey is tough for medium-sized businesses and growing startups alike.
How do you make sure the hired people are part of your team? How do you ensure everything gets delivered on time? In this article, I will share what you have to watch out for and address the concerns we hear from our clients.
Understanding offshore hiring
The globalization of the IT sector has brought offshore hiring to the forefront as a widely accepted business practice. By offshoring a part of operations, companies can prioritize their core functions and stimulate growth. Offshoring began in the 1960s and 1970s, primarily focusing on manufacturing.
IT offshoring gained traction a bit later, particularly in the 1990s and 2000s, as companies started to outsource IT services to countries like India, the Philippines, and later Poland or Ukraine. In recent years, the IT outsourcing market has continued to expand. It was projected to reach $519 billion in 2023, a 22% increase from 2019.
All big companies are already offshoring some parts of their operations and reaping the benefits. This approach provides access to an international talent pool and can substantially reduce overall operational costs without compromising quality.
The fact that big companies are doing it doesn’t mean growing companies can’t tap into offshoring. It’s a cake that is big enough for everyone, but if you’re just getting started building your global workforce, you need someone who will be your guiding light.
Navigating time zone concerns when hiring offshore teams
One of the primary concerns businesses grapple with when considering offshoring their operations is the issue of time zones. “Will the offshore staff really work our hours?” is a question that always comes up. The short answer:
Many offshore teams have flexible work schedules and can adjust their operating hours to align with your business needs.
You might have experience working with a team in a different country, but everything is completely different when you’re building a new dedicated team from scratch.
Engaging an offshore team doesn’t always mean they’ll be working while you’re asleep. Many offshore partners are capable of adjusting their schedules to align with their client’s/employer’s requirements. At Maxima Consulting, we ensure sufficient overlap in the working hours between our clients and the talent we hire for them.
Maintaining consistent communication
Before you start hiring offshore, you have to work out with your partner what the communication process should look like. Managing different time zones becomes less challenging with regular and structured communication. Frequent status updates, team meetings, and one-on-one discussions keep everyone on the same page, regardless of their geographical location.
By employing the right technology, geographical boundaries can almost disappear. Effective use of collaborative tools and real-time communication platforms can integrate offshore teams into your established work routine. The results are even better if your business operating model allows for asynchronous tasks.
Certain duties can be completed in segments, where one team picks up from where another has finished. This sort of asynchronous working can lessen the impact of timezone differences and even allow for around-the-clock productivity.
Ensuring team integration - are they really part of the team?
When building an offshore team, you want to make sure new team members feel integral to your organization. People who believe in your mission, care about the impact you’re making, and enjoy the work will deliver outstanding results, no matter where they’re located.
Yet, you probably know that it’s more difficult to build the company spirit if people don’t even know what your HQ looks like or who’s on the leadership team.
To make sure the offshore team is part of your organization, you have to build a solid onboarding process. Share the story, share who’s doing what, who will help them in case of any issues, and who they should talk to if they have any questions.
You want to treat the new team as a core part of your company, meaning you have to involve them in decision-making. Give them room to make decisions and come up with ideas. They have to see and feel that their opinions matter. Involving your offshore team in decision-making procedures not only promotes a sense of belonging, but their unique insights will offer fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.
Maintaining regular check-ins, performance reviews, and feedback sessions ensures the offshore team clearly understands their objectives and performance expectations. All these things combined will foster an environment where the offshore team is aligned with your organizational goals.
Most importantly, with the correct approach, your offshore team will be really a part of your company, not just a bunch of people who write code for you in a different country.
Bridging cultural differences
An effective method of bridging cultural gaps is through cultural awareness training. Such training allows team members to understand, communicate, and effectively work with colleagues from different cultural backgrounds. Every country has its nuances. If you want your teams to work well together, you have to make sure people understand each other verbally and culturally.
Creating a space for dialogue about cultural norms and differences while fostering a sense of inclusion can help offshore team members feel part of the team rather than an extension. You want to avoid situations where one party feels uncomfortable or offended because of something that’s completely normal for the other team members.
Remote team-building activities can encourage bonding between onshore and offshore teams. These initiatives will help in understanding each other’s working styles, foster unity, and ensure meaningful collaboration across borders. A commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and respect for all team members, irrespective of their location, cultural background, or beliefs, will create a strong and cohesive offshore team.
Build your offshore team with a partner who will guide you in the process
Offshore hiring offers a number of benefits, including cost reductions, access to a global talent pool, and increased productivity. However, understanding and addressing potential challenges such as time zone differences, cultural disparity, and team integration before they arise is crucial to ensure a fruitful collaboration that delivers results.
At Maxima Consulting, we helped US companies establish their offshore operations. We can help you get all the way from just an idea to full operational capacity. If you’re looking for a partner who will guide you along the way, solve issues, optimize processes, and deliver results, just send me a message on LinkedIn to start working on an action plan.