How to ace a technical interview, 11 practical tips

You nailed the introductory call and now it’s time to meet the hiring manager for a technical interview and prove you’re the right person to do the job. You know that during the interview they will evaluate your technical skills and assess your soft skills, but you’d like to learn more, come well-prepared, and make a good impression.
In this article, we will share the tips that will help you ace your next technical interview. We also listed a few questions that you can expect and questions that you can ask. So let’s get started!
Practical tips for the recruitment process
1. Avoid yes/no answers
Such answers are the simplest but they don’t work in your favor. You have to share the details, show that you have the right know-how and experience thanks to that you’ll be more appealing for the role. Communication skills are fundamental nowadays and you have to show the recruiter that you’re an open person who is not afraid of talking with others.
2. Let the interviewer sit down before you do
It doesn’t apply in the times of remote interviews but eventually, interviews in offices will return. Let the host sit down first, it’s a sign of good culture and behavior, after that you can sit down too, just don’t get too relaxed. Remember that you are applying for a serious position.
3. Look your interviewer in the eyes when you talk to them
Keeping eye contact will prove that you are not hiding anything. Avoiding it often means that the candidate is lying about something and not gaining trust in the first interview will have a huge impact on the second phase. If it’s an online interview, make sure to set up the camera to show your face and shoulders. Also, if possible, work on the lighting so that your face is clear and visible.
4. Do not rush questions, take your time
You don’t have to answer immediately, it’s better if you think it through and give an answer that will be more precise and on point. It’s normal that you have to think for a second before elaborating on something, recruiters know that and won’t speed you up. Detailed answers will also help you ace the technical interview.
5. Try to give examples to back-up the answers to questions
Giving practical examples is great, it’s proof of your experience and often shows how you act in certain situations. Depending on the question the answer can be short or long but you can surely say how you’d deal with an issue or problem. Everyone encounters challenges at work, if you share your story with the recruiter then he will be more convinced that you know your stuff.
6. Listen carefully to the interviewer
Don’t switch off during the interview and concentrate throughout it. You have to be fully focused on it, after all, depending on the outcome your life can change. It’s good to mute your phone before the interview starts, also get rid of any distractions around you if it’s online.
7. Ask relevant questions
Don’t ask questions for the sake of asking, if you want to ask something make sure that it’s important. You can ask about the project, the scope of work or anything related to the work environment, but questions about the type of coffee or the games in the chill room won’t put you in a good light. We’ve prepared a few questions that you can ask.
8. Don’t go into a rant about your current or former employers
It doesn’t look good if you talk bad about others, there are reasons to complain but you shouldn’t focus on that. It’s an interview for a new role at a different employer, they want to see that you are a positive person! You can mention what you don’t like about your current job but don’t get fixated on this topic.
9. Try to avoid salary discussions
If you are asked what salary you are looking for, say in your current/last employment you were earning X with Y benefits (resist the temptation to lie or exaggerate) and you are prepared to be flexible for the right opportunity. That way you don’t sell yourself short or price yourself out of the job. At this point, lots of candidates blow interviews because they exaggerate and price themselves out of an offer. If the employer decides that you are the right person then it will be easier to negotiate a salary, but you’ve got to make them want you first!
10. Ask the recruiter if they have any reservations or concerns about you
If they do you need to reply to these by giving them examples as to why those concerns are unjustified. Don’t get mad if they say something that you didn’t expect, stay calm and show that you’re a professional who can handle the situation and turn the tides around. This is your last chance to secure the role and to convince the employer that they are looking for you!
11. Shake hands and share your thoughts
At the end of the interview shake hands and if it is an opportunity you are interested in, say that you’ve enjoyed the meeting and would be very keen to work at this company. You wouldn’t believe how often interviewers think that candidates are not that keen on them and preclude them from a final shortlist. Remember, if you can quell the interviewer’s concerns the more chances you have of landing the role!
What Are Employers Looking For?
Every employer wants to have the best people on board who can get the job done. In our opinion, there are 3 factors that will determine whether or not you’ll ace the interview:
Can you do the job?
Do you have the relevant skills/experience to do the job? It’s likely that the employer thinks you do, you have an interview for a start, but it would still help to prepare based on the role you’re going for. Remind yourself of how many projects you’ve worked on, what were the biggest challenges that you’ve encountered in your career. Tell the recruiter how you work with your team members and explain how big of an asset you can be to the company. Keep it relevant to the role. A profile of work can also be of help in this situation.
Do you want to do the job?
Employers will look for answers that will relate to the role and their company. Show that you’ve prepared and learned about the company you are interviewing for. Employers look for candidates who are motivated, enthusiastic, and eager to impress. Don’t sit there quietly and slouch. Once you feel that the job is right for you, show it! If you’re prepared to relocate for the role – tell the interviewer.
Can they see themselves working with you?
Personality, charisma, hobbies and interests; everyone wants to work with people they like. Try and let your personality come out in the interview whilst maintaining a professional manner. Share some details about you, say something about that last trip or something interesting that happened to you. Every company is made up of people, and people want to work in a friendly environment, one that will help them grow and be satisfied with their work.
Often asked questions
Before you start looking for a job you should also think about what you want to achieve in your career. Then during the interview, you should try to find out if the company you are applying to is the right place to achieve your goals. It’s good to ask the recruiter questions like:
- Do other people from the university I studied at work here?
- How will my job change if my project will be finished?
- How long do people work in this company?
- How do you support your employees?
- What is the company culture like?
- Will I have to travel?
- How does the onboarding process look like?
- How quickly does the position need to be filled?
- Do you have any reservations about my qualifications?
- Are there any changes to my resume or cover letter you would recommend?
- What skills should I highlight from my experience?
- Is there any type of test I should prepare for?
We’ve prepared also some questions that can be expected in an interview, of course not all of them get asked but you will probably have to answer at least one of them. Go through them and think of the answer, it will come in handy later.
- What do you consider to be your major strengths?
- What do you consider to be your major weaknesses?
- Why do you want to work for this company?
- What are your short-term goals?
- Where do you see yourself in five years?
- What did you like most about your last job?
- What did you like least about your last job?
- How would your colleagues describe you?
- How do you manage multiple tasks/projects?
- How do you deal with stress and/or deadlines?
- Do you prefer to work independently or within a team?
- Why should we recruit you?
Preparing for an interview isn’t hard, but sacrificing some time to it can turn out to be a great investment. Thanks to that you will be more appealing for the role and increase your chances of acing the technical interview. If you want to change something in your life make sure to check our current openings. Maybe you are the person we are looking for!