17 software testing myths

1. Myth: Software testers are the only ones responsible for quality.
They are the ones that find the bugs and errors that occur, right? So they take care of the product quality, they are the ones that ensure that the project will be a success. Well, not really
Reality: Quality is everyone’s job. Testers and developers should work together
A team doesn’t consist only of testers, every member of it should take a close look at every detail. The best software development teams are just like the best football teams, they work together towards a common goal. If the quality of the end product will be debatable, don’t blame the QA team for that, everyone should take responsibility.
2. Myth: Bug-free software
The legend of bug-free software is beautiful, it’s like a holy grail that everyone wants to create, but nobody can do it. Some teams want to create something like this, some people brag that they’ve done it! It’s one of the most known myths about software testing.
Reality: Sweet dreams are made of this.
Creating bug-free software is basically impossible, the industry average is between 15 and 50 bugs per 1,000 lines of code, it’s pretty far from 0. Still, it’s good to work towards it, with practice you get better. There is a reason why there are Junior-Mid-Senior Developers, they not only gain knowledge but also make fewer mistakes. However, even the most skilled programmers make mistakes, sometimes the software has to be changed because one thing impacts something else.
3. Myth: It’s best to automate all tests, it’s more efficient than manual testing
Let’s make use of automation, there is a reason why it’s so popular! Test automation does not only save costs but it also speeds up a lot of processes, if we use it in the software development process we will end the project before the deadline. Thank you, God, for Test Automation!
Reality: Some processes are repetitive and should be automated. Manual testing is best for exploratory tests and it costs less.
There are all kinds of tests and each works best in a specific case. In some projects there can be room for both manual and automated tests, such a combination will bring the greatest value. Manual tests will help the team find bugs that can impact the user experience and the team can fix them to improve overall quality.
4. Myth: Anyone can be a software tester
The current pandemic changed the world, many people lost their jobs and want to learn a new profession. Some of them decided to get into IT, as it’s one of the most promising industries. The false conviction that it’s easy to become a software tester kinda flouts this profession. All jobs look easy from the outside, but once you get on the train you will see that it’s more than just pressing buttons.
Reality: Testers are mostly creative people that look at the world from a few perspectives, they get into the user role and create different scenarios
Testers are among the most creative people in IT, they have a massive influence on the whole development process because they see what others don’t. It’s not so easy to look at one thing from different perspectives, if you get to test an app you can’t follow the “ideal” user journey. They are the ones that create new scenarios, they fully commit to providing the most value for the client, and they are the unsung heroes of every project.
5. Myth: Testing is sooooo expensive
Among the most known software testing myths and facts is the belief that it’s an additional expense. The whole team of professionals can cost a lot, so if we drop the QA specialist we will save some money. Everything that is saved can be later used for maintenance or marketing, the project will definitely be a huge success.
Reality: Finding issues after the release costs more than testing during software development
The reality is harsh but true, most projects that cut costs on quality assurance have to spend twice (or more) as much later. Testing during the project gives more information to the team, and it’s widely known that data is incredibly important. Launching a product that hasn’t been fully tested can have a huge impact on its popularity, it can crash, freeze, some functionalities can stop working, all kinds of issues are possible. But most importantly, if you find bugs after the project is finished you will have to employ developers again to fix them.
6. Myth: Testing is monotonous and needs no creativity
It’s just clicking buttons, changing screens, it’s like the most boring thing on Earth. If you want to go to work just to be bored, become a software tester. There is literally nothing creative in testing.
Reality: Testers go through the applications as a single product that’s why they have to be creative and write all kinds of test cases
Testing a whole product requires every tester to make use of all their creativity. Every new feature creates new scenarios, every little change impacts the whole app, all platforms have to be tested and everything is possible. There is no single test case to test, there are dozens of them and testers create constantly new ones.
7. Myth: Testing should be done once the product is fully developed
Once everything is ready it can be tested, there is no reason to test anything after every deployment. Having a fully developed product tested gives us the whole view of what should be improved or changed. Thanks to it we will get rid of all the bugs that we will find, we’ll make quick changes and the project will be ready for a launch.
Reality: Every product should be tested even after a small deployment, little changes can impact all kinds of features.
That is one of the funniest myths about software testing. Just as we’ve mentioned before, little changes can impact other features. For this reason, every single thing should be tested right away. If we don’t do that it will all stack up and in the end, we will have a finished bug with software instead of a fully developed software project.
8. Myth: I will easily become a tester after a course
Courses are always the perfect way to make a shift in your career, after all, one course is enough to change your life. You only have to learn the basics and you’re good to go, a practitioner taught you everything. But did he really? Was that knowledge of any value? Or maybe was he just a guy that tells you all those inspiring things that don’t make a difference unless you start working on your own.
Reality: Testers need some coding knowledge, such as Java, .NET, SQL or a different language.
Courses teach you only a tiny bit if you want to have an advantage at the start of your career you have to learn also at home. Try some side projects, learn, read blogs, learn, take part in workshops and learn. Knowledge is power, the more you know the better you are, and you can start learning anytime you want. There are skills that are needed to start a career, but most courses teach you only the basics, you do the real work at home where you process everything and go deeper.
9. Myth: Testers are responsible for the bugs
They are the ones that report about new bugs all the time, so they have to create them. Developers write code but they are so smart that they don’t make any mistakes. Testers are just the worst, nobody on the team likes them.
Reality: Testers look for bugs not create them
In fact, everybody likes them, they are the ones that help developers create the best software. They find mistakes that others miss, or are not aware of them. Testers assure that the quality of the code is as high as possible, and to do that they have to detect every flaw. This is an unfair myth about software testing, they just want the best for the team!
10. Myth: Testing is only about finding errors and bugs
It’s all they do, just look for bugs that developers did. Picky people love it because they can look for the smallest mistake and report it. If they find all the errors, they leave the team and come back the next day to check if it’s fixed or not.
Reality: Good QA Specialists understand the product, propose solutions, check the requirement, question if the work done is good enough.
Finding bugs is just a part of the job, testers are crucial team members that do their best to create a product of the highest value. They often analyze the competition, come up with new solutions, look for things to improve, and question the status quo. The best testers are sometimes the leaders that are responsible for the product’s success.
11. Myth: QA is primarily a women dominated career path
It’s simple, developers are mostly men and testers are mostly women, that’s the balance in IT. Women pay more attention to details, so it's natural that they are very good at software testing. In addition, men are more likely to listen to feedback from women than other men.
Reality: There are a lot of women in software testing, but there are also a lot of men
Some teams consist only of women, that is true, but it’s not true that only women can test software. There are also men that are good at it, as there are excellent female developers. Fun fact, Margaret Hamilton was director of the Software Engineering Division, which developed on-board flight software for NASA's Apollo program.
12. Myth: Testers need an app to start testing
Once the app is created it can be tested, it’s the natural order. Software developers write code, testers check it, look for bugs and then report, that’s the whole cycle. They can’t start working until there is a product, so they sit and wait for the team to do their job.
Reality: An idea or design should be tested first.
Testing starts sooner than development, there are all kinds of testers and some of them test the whole idea or the design. If the product idea is good but there is no market for it, then the whole project can be a huge failure. The same goes for the design, the best product with the wrong design won’t bring you, users. Testers start working way sooner than some people think, it’s better to spend money on market research and user group testing than on a product that has no buyers.
13. Myth: It’s an easy life
You come to your job, check the app and that’s basically it. Sometimes you make coffee or take part in a daily stand-up or sprint planning but it’s not tiring. There is absolutely no stress or anything that can damage our health, It’s just the simplest and least demanding job in IT.
Reality: If they miss only one bug, the entire team’s effort and reputation are at stake. It’s a huge responsibility
Testers care about the whole team and its success, they want to excel and they want the client to be happy. For this reason, they give their best every time, they commit fully to the project and take responsibility for their work. If anyone wants to become a software tester, then they have to be aware that they are not only responsible for their reputation but for the reputation of the whole team and company.
14. Myth: It doesn’t have anything to do with design
Designers are responsible for the design and testers for testing, these are two completely different fields. Testers have to be creative but they don’t have to create art, they only make sure that the quality is top-notch.
Reality: Testers test also the design
Some things have to be redesigned, it’s just the way it is. Testers have seen many apps, many projects and many bugs in their careers, so they know what works best and what doesn’t. Sometimes the change is small, but the right color is also incredibly important.
15. Myth: Testers do not become project managers
Some people still believe that this myth about software testers is real. They are convinced that in order to become a project manager you have to be a developer first. It’s true that software developers become project managers at one point in their career (if they want to), but it’s the same for testers and for business analysts, and any other role in IT.
Reality: Project management skills are developed separately
Many project managers started as developers, but many of them or even most of them were not coding before. They had traits of good leaders, they saw how it’s done and learned about management. While working with a software development team you slowly learn about the people, you learn how to communicate and build trust. With time you see that you can manage teams better and deliver more value. That’s how project managers are born.
16. Myth: People that do not know how to code start testing
Testing is easier than coding so if you don’t want to learn how to code, you start testing. That’s the software testing myth that hurts the most. Some people in IT just don’t want to code because it doesn’t get them excited.
Reality: Testing often involves coding.
To be a good tester you have to know how to code. There will be situations when coding will be the most important skill, but it’s just a part of the whole skillset. People making fun that testers don’t know how to code are just ignorant and know nothing about it. The average QA specialist has very broad knowledge about software development,
17. Myth: Testers always delay project delivery
They delay the project because they find all the small things that are irrelevant. Some of them even delay the project so that the company can make more money! That is the main reason why software testers exist, they are an additional cost and by delaying projects they become real assets to the company.
Reality: Incorrect planning and unreasonable expectations delay project delivery
Planning is 80% of the success, if you have a good plan, you will be successful. Every project takes time, even if you hire twice as many developers it can take the same amount of it. Don’t set a short deadline, it won’t motivate people but it’ll surely put them under pressure. Testers want to create a successful project just as you do, so let them do their work and I’m sure you will be happy with the outcome.
Software testing myths get busted every time, but there is always a bit of truth in them. Where else would they come from? To make full use of Quality Assurance you have to know what it’s all about, also you can’t be biased towards it. The people that will work on your project want the same thing as you do: create a top-notch product, whether it is an application, CRM, ERP, or anything else. Remember that testers are a crucial part of every software development team, and they should be considered the ones that do their best to fulfill your expectations.